Issues We Work On

Oregon’s concerns are our concerns

We help communities address issues that impact the economy, environment, and health of their region in Oregon. When Eugene-Springfield grappled over a Willamette River bridge replacement, Oregon Consensus helped the community and decision makers find broad agreement. The project saved hundreds of thousands of dollars in projected delay costs. When seasonal traffic clogged the coast, Oregon Consensus helped Seaside, Clatsop County, and the Oregon Department of Transportation agree on the area’s first Transportation System Plan.

We strive to expand collaboration across the state to meet the needs of large and small communities alike. Oregon has long been a leader in collaborative governance, and our team utilizes the best approaches gained from many years of experience.

Issues we work on include:

Our services range in scope and cover additional topics of state significance. Contact Oregon Consensus at the National Policy Consensus Center at (503) 725-9092 or to discuss your situation.