Vision for Oregon’s Forests

Photo: Oregon Department of Forestry.

The introduction to the Vision for Oregon’s Forests states: “Forests are an integral part of the social, economic and environmental fabric of our state, and as such, their vulnerability is ours as well. Clean air and water, sustainable forest products, biodiversity, public health and safety, and many more critical benefits Oregonians rely upon require a foundation of resilient forest ecosystems. But there is a lot of work to do to help our forests get there. Recognizing the importance and urgency of this work, the Oregon Board of Forestry and Oregon Department of Forestry collaboratively developed this bold, forward looking strategic Vision for Oregon’s Forests that will best serve Oregon’s forests and people into the future.”

Oregon Consensus worked with a subcommittee and the full Board and Executive Team of the Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) to determine their shared values and goals, and through a deliberative, consensus-building process, develop a shared strategic vision. This became the basis for the Department’s strategic plan. It is intended to serve as the foundation for the Board’s future policy-setting, and for the Department in establishing progress measures and developing future action plans.