Fish Passage Barriers Work Group

In 2006, under the direction of the Oregon Geographic Information Council (OGIC), the Oregon Bioscience Framework Implementation Team (Bio-FIT) delegated the development of a draft Fish Passage Barrier Data Standard to its Fish Passage Barriers Work Group.

The work group, composed of representatives from federal, state, tribal, regional, and county government agencies, met seven times between December 2006 and May 2007 to develop a draft standard.  Oregon Consensus assisted with process design and provided neutral facilitation services.

The work group submitted a draft standard to the larger GIS community for review in May 2007.  The standard includes the essential elements and data structure necessary to adequately describe, develop, exchange and use fish passage barrier data produced in Oregon.  The standard will also improve the accuracy of the data, and support automation to provide better support for resource planning. The Standards Forum reviewed the draft standard on June 27, 2007, and recommended that OGIC approve the standard with minor modifications to address comments received during the review period.