The Community Health Worker Consortium is a partnership between Oregon Consensus, Portland State University’s School for Community Health, the Oregon Community Health Workers Association (ORCHWA), and the Multnomah County Community Capacitation Center (CCC). The Cambia Health Foundation provides funding for the project. The Consortium focuses on creating alignment around best practices in the community health worker field in order to help achieve the triple aim of improving population health, lowering health care costs and improving quality. The Consortium has formed a research team and an education team composed of many organizations committed to the Consortium’s mission. The research team, led by the CCC, has developed a research agenda to address issues facing the field and is working with others around the country to identify common process and outcome indicators for community health worker practice. The education team, led by ORCHWA, has developed a toolkit, including a short video (below), to educate health care stakeholders about the role of community health workers in health care transformation and beyond.
Watch the video: “Together, We Support Community Health: The Power of Community Health Workers”
Read a summary of the proceedings of the Community Health Worker Common Indicator Summit, a project that grew out of the work of the consortium.