Elliott State Forest Research Advisory Committee

In December 2018, the State Land Board directed the Department of State Lands (DSL) to work collaboratively with Oregon State University to develop a proposed plan for transforming the Elliott State Forest into a research forest, while meeting the Land Board’s vision and direction for the forest. In response, DSL established the Elliott State Research Forest Advisory Committee with facilitation assistance from Oregon Consensus. The purpose of the advisory committee is to provide the Department of State Lands with insights and input on elements of a potential Elliott State Research Forest proposed plan from Oregon State University.

In December 2022, the State Land Board took action toward creation of the Elliott State Research Forest, decoupling the forest from Oregon’s Common School Fund and appointing the first board of directors for the new public agency to oversee the research forest. 

Oregon Consensus provided facilitation support as the collaborative governance structure transitioned from the advisory committee to the agency’s prospective board of directors. Oregon Consensus’ involvement concluded in Fall 2023. 

In December 2023, following an announcement by OSU regarding participation in management of the research forest, the Land Board affirmed continued desire to create a publicly owned research forest and advanced a pathway for establishing the Elliott State Research Forest in 2024 under DSL management. 

More information can be found on DSL’s webpage: https://www.oregon.gov/dsl/pages/elliott.aspx