West Eugene Collaborative (WEC)


“We would not have done as well as we did without the assistance of Oregon Consensus” – WEC project participant

“This is a vision of a place which will not only be nicer to live in, healthier, safer, and more pedestrian friendly, but a place where compact urban development can occur.” – WEC project participant

“Businesses will gain with these improvements and even transform. Traffic will get through for moving products and access to local stores will be improved.” – WEC project participant

Picture to the right: WEC members raise “good-to-go” signs

Download the Final Report (PDF)


The West Eugene Collaborative (WEC) is 27 community members interested in solutions for the future of transportation, commerce, community and the environment in and around west Eugene. Members include people who work, own businesses, recreate or reside in the west Eugene area as well as representatives of affected governments, agencies and organizations. The purpose of the WEC is to develop an integrated land use, transportation and natural resources solution for West Eugene.

Issues and Challenges

The WEC was formed after the proposed West Eugene Parkway project, the subject of decades of public debate, was voted down by the Eugene City Council in October 2005. The demise of the parkway proposal prompted proponents and opponents to come together to explore new solutions for west Eugene.


After two years of meetings and hundreds of hours of volunteer time by individual WEC members, the WEC reached agreement on recommendations for transportation, land use and natural resource solutions in west Eugene. The WEC final report was welcomed by the community, and in March 2009, the Eugene City Council voted unanimously to convene work sessions to discuss next steps for implementing WEC recommendations.


Active Bethel Citizens; Chambers Construction; Churchill Area Neighbors; City of Veneta; Eugene Association of Realtors; Eugene City Council; Eugene Mayor; Eugene Planning Commission; Eugene Public Works; Friends of Eugene; Lane Council of Governments; Lane County Commission; Lane Metro Partnership; Lane Transit District; Lane Transit District Board of Directors; Neighborhood Leaders Council; Oregon Dept. of Land Conservation and Development; West Eugene Wetlands Partnership, 1000 Friends of Oregon

More information

For more information about the West Eugene Collaborative, visit the WEC Wiki (external website)

Project Lead

Jamie Damon


The Osprey Group (fall 2007 – summer 2008)
Jamie Damon, Oregon Consensus (summer 2008 – spring 2009)
Tim McCabe, Oregon Consensus, WEC Project Coordinator

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