Dingfelder Water Policy Summit

In December 2006, Representative Jackie Dingfelder hosted a Water Policy Summit with 20 participants representing municipalities, water districts and others knowledgeable about water quality and quantity issues.   Steve Greenwood from Oregon Consensus facilitated the discussion, which addressed numerous water policy issues including Oregon’s stewardship of water resources, water policy goals, impact of Measure 37 on … Read more

Fish Passage Barriers Work Group

In 2006, under the direction of the Oregon Geographic Information Council (OGIC), the Oregon Bioscience Framework Implementation Team (Bio-FIT) delegated the development of a draft Fish Passage Barrier Data Standard to its Fish Passage Barriers Work Group. The work group, composed of representatives from federal, state, tribal, regional, and county government agencies, met seven times … Read more

Deschutes River Basin Water Management Plan

In 2007, Oregon Consensus worked with the Deschutes Water Alliance, the Deschutes River Conservancy and other stakeholders to assess feasibility of convening a collaborative process to address water management in the Deschutes River Basin. Oregon Consensus provided the facilitation services of RESOLVE, Inc., to conduct an assessment. The assessment report, presented at a May 2006 … Read more

Aggregate Mining and Farmland Protection

In early 2004, at the Governor’s request, Oregon Consensus convened an Aggregate Mining and Farmland consensus process to develop a recommended state policy for siting and regulating aggregate mines on farmlands, within the context of the long-term demand for aggregate and the availability of other aggregate resources. Considerable data was compiled and presented to the … Read more