State and County Parks Collaborative Efforts

In 2013, Oregon Consensus and Oregon Solutions facilitated a collaborative effort between the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and county parks (through the Association of Oregon Counties) to change the distribution formula for recreational vehicle (RV) registration fees, enhance partnership efforts between state and county parks providers, and consider jurisdictional transfers of park properties. Over time, … Read more

Non-Roadway Transportation Working Group

The Oregon Non-Roadway Transportation Funding Working Group was convened by Oregon Governor Kitzhaber to engage the State of Oregon, transportation providers and other stakeholders in developing and implementing a plan to establish dedicated funding for non-roadway transportation projects and programs, including rail, marine, aviation, transit, and on and off-road bicycle and pedestrian paths. Currently, vehicle … Read more

Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area Assessment

In 2012, in collaboration with the University of Washington’s William D. Ruckelshaus Center, Oregon Consensus conducted an assessment for the executive staff of the Columbia River Gorge Commission that identified opportunities for collaboration between parties interested in issues related to urban growth policies in the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area.

Renewable Energy and Eastern Oregon Land Conservation Partnership

The Renewable Energy and Eastern Oregon Landscape Conservation Partnership was convened by the Oregon Governor’s Natural Resources Policy Director and the Deputy State Director for the U.S. Bureau of Land Management to address renewable energy development and habitat conservation across Eastern Oregon. The group addressed sagebrush and sage grouse issues, and developed criteria for identifying … Read more

State Parks Land Use Forum

In 2012, Oregon Consensus conducted an assessment and facilitated a series of stakeholder meetings for the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to address land use issues affecting siting of state parks. Priority issues discussed were: park uses in farm and forest zones; intergovernmental coordination to ensure land use compliance; methods for determining the need for … Read more

Integrated Services Support Rules Work Group

The Integrated Services Support Rules (ISSRs) govern the licensing of addiction and mental health providers in Oregon.  In 2011, the Oregon Legislature adopted Senate Bill 238 directing the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to form a work group to review the rules and recommend revisions. The ISSR Revisions Work Group included representatives of Coordinated Care Organizations, … Read more

Malheur National Wildlife Refuge

The Malheur National Wildlife Refuge working group, with more than 30 diverse members, developed a draft Comprehensive Conservation Plan and Environmental Impact Statement to guide refuge management from 2012 until 2027. From 2008 through 2011, Oregon Consensus provided facilitation and collaborative governance training to Malheur Wildlife Refuge staff and other stakeholders. The group strengthened working … Read more

Oregon Jobs and Transportation Act

The 2009 Jobs and Transportation Act directs the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to adopt administrative rules in line with environmental performance standards (EPS) for highway projects, and improve permitting processes. Oregon Consensus convened a process to develop rule language and EPS, worked with stakeholders to prioritize and frame issues and helped ODOT develop an … Read more

Sustainable Transportation Initiative

The Oregon Sustainable Transportation Initiative examined ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles while creating healthier, more livable communities and greater economic opportunity. The project aimed to reduce emissions in Oregon by 75 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. The Oregon Department of Transportation and the Department of Land Conservation and Development led the … Read more

North Santiam River Basin Water Management

In 2011, the City of Salem and the North Santiam Watershed Council asked Oregon Consensus to conduct a neutral assessment of the potential for collaborative approaches to water management in the North Santiam Basin. The North Santiam River serves a broad variety of water needs including municipal water supply, irrigation, recreation, and ecological services for … Read more

Aging Matters Locally and Globallly

The Aging Matters Initiative is committed to enhancing quality of life for older adults who are poor, frail or incapacitated, and who have little support. The initiative is a forum for identifying and promoting innovative policies and programs that respond to housing, health, and social concerns. Aging Matters is a project of the Institute on Aging … Read more

Portland Air Toxics Solutions Advisory Committee

In 2008 through 2011, Oregon Consensus (OC) worked with the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ ) to support DEQ’s Portland Air Toxics Solutions (PATS) project. The PATS project was a collaborative effort to develop Oregon’s first area-wide air toxics reduction plan for the Portland region through a broad, community-based effort. OC is assisted DEQ … Read more

Clackamas County Urban Renewal Districts

In 2011, Oregon Consensus conducted an assessment of the potential for convening a collaborative process to address urban redevelopment in Clackamas County. Two members of the Clackamas County Board requested the assessment in response to controversy surrounding the issue of funding redevelopment via urban renewal districts.

Maintenance Dredging Assessment

In 2011, Oregon Consensus conducted an assessment on behalf of the City of Portland Healthy Working Rivers Office, examining applicant experiences with the multi-agency permitting process for maintenance dredging in areas of the Columbia and Willamette Rivers and Columbia Slough. The assessment gathered input from a wide variety of stakeholders, including dredging firms, owners of … Read more

Western Oregon Collaboration Inquiry

Secretary of Interior Ken Salazar and senior officials of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) have expressed a strong desire to find new approaches to managing land included in the Oregon and California Lands Act of 1937 (O&C Act). BLM and Oregon Governor Kitzhaber are interested in exploring approaches to creating a policy framework for … Read more

Ecosystems Services Marketplace

Ecosystem services are life sustaining processes of nature, such as wetlands purifying drinking water, vegetation preventing erosion, healthy soil producing crops, and clean rivers supporting abundant fish populations. Owners whose lands produce ecosystem services historically have been compensated only through sales of products, such as food and timber. Ecosystem services marketplaces provide a system for … Read more

Regional Transportation and Land Use Decision Making

An interdisciplinary team from Portland State University’s National Policy Consensus Center, Oregon Consensus, and the Department of Planning, Public Policy and Management at the University of Oregon conducted a study in 2010 examining the mechanisms for integrating land use and transportation in metropolitan regions and assessing these arrangements based on current practice and future potential.  … Read more

Prescription Authority Work Group

The 2009 Legislative Assembly heard heated debate about proposed legislation authorizing Oregon psychologists to prescribe medication for certain mental illnesses. 2009 House Bill 2702 addressed the conflict by directing formation of a work group to develop recommendations for legislation to address the issue. In 2010, Oregon Consensus facilitated the work group, which reached agreement on … Read more

Oregon Health Authority Regional Forum

“I believe we have all worked well together to help OHA set a high standard for how to truly engage the public in Oregon.”—Marti Kantola, Director, Six Rivers Community Mediation Center The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) is leading the effort to create quality affordable health care in Oregon. In 2010, The OHA citizen-led board selected … Read more