Early Learning Hub Technical Assistance

The Oregon Department of Education’s (ODE) Early Learning Division recently completed a second-round application process for prospective Early Learning Hubs (ELH). Five new ELHs were approved. Two additional applicants were not selected, but were recommended to merge with existing ELHs. The Early Learning Division asked Oregon Consensus to provide technical assistance to help these seven … Read more

Columbia Gorge Commission Urban Area Policy Group

Oregon Consensus and the William D. Ruckelshaus Center conducted a convening assessment for The Columbia River Gorge Commission. The assessment explored opportunities to engage regional stakeholders in a collaborative effort to develop a comprehensive regional urban area policy for the Columbia River Gorge National Scenic Area. The overall purpose of the project was to help … Read more

Region 1 Transportation Coordination Task Force

In 2014, Oregon Consensus convened the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) Region 1 Transportation Coordination Task Force. The goal of the task force was to make recommendations to the Oregon Transportation Commission (OTC) regarding formation of an Area Commission on Transportation (ACT) or similar public body in ODOT’s Region 1. (At that time, only Region … Read more

Governor’s Task Force on Genetically-Engineered Agriculture

Oregon Consensus provided facilitation services to the Oregon Governor’s Task Force on Genetically-Engineered Agriculture. The task force identified and framed the major issues between growers of genetically-engineered (GE) agricultural products and other producers, including organic growers. The task force also identified areas of alignment and disagreement related to GE and non-GE food products, including information … Read more

Health Care Transformation

Since 2012, Oregon Consensus has been providing the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) with a wide range of collaborative support to advance health care transformation in Oregon. Oregon Consensus services have included facilitation, conflict resolution, collaborative learning summits and public engagement meetings, as well as organizational consultation to support OHA’s ongoing work with Coordinated Care Organizations … Read more

Population Forecasting

Oregon law requires each county to prepare and update coordinated population forecasts for cities within the county. The population forecasts provide critical data for land use planning across the state, allowing communities to manage the demand for new land and evaluate development capacity. Historically, only half of Oregon counties were able to meet state requirements … Read more

Early Learning Hub Readiness

Oregon Consensus provided technical assistance to the Early Learning Division (ELD) to support the Division’s efforts to prepare applicants seeking approval to serve as Early Learning Hubs. The Early Learning Hubs are a new approach to community-based leadership that brings together schools, education providers, health care, social services and the private sector to build on … Read more

Transportation Assessment

The Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT), Metro, and Clackamas County engaged Oregon Consensus to conduct an assessment of transportation decision making processes in ODOT’s Region 1. The assessment also explored possibilities for a collaborative effort among stakeholders to increase public input into transportation policy, particularly input from under-represented areas of the region. The effort came … Read more

Submerged Lands

Issues related to submerged lands date back to Oregon’s inception when the Equal Footing Doctrine granted the state ownership of submerged and submersible lands on tidally-influenced and navigable waterways. Since then, some of these lands have been filled, developed and inhabited by occupants who may be unaware of the state’s entitlement to these lands. The … Read more

Regional Achievement Collaboratives

Achieving Oregon’s educational goals requires engaging communities beyond the classroom. The Oregon Education Investment Board (OEIB) has launched the Regional Achievement Collaborative Initiative (RAC) to forge connections that improve educational outcomes. Each Oregon school district, community college and university has an individual achievement compact with the OEIB. The compacts set goals for improving key outcomes, … Read more

Columbia River Basin Salmon and Steelhead Recovery Assessment

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s National Marine Fisheries Service (NOAA Fisheries) asked Oregon Consensus, in partnership with the William D. Ruckelshaus Center, a joint program of Washington State University and the University of Washington, to conduct a situation assessment of regional views about salmon and steelhead recovery planning in the Columbia River Basin over … Read more

Community Health Worker Research and Education Consortium

The Community Health Worker Consortium is a partnership between Oregon Consensus, Portland State University’s School for Community Health, the Oregon Community Health Workers Association (ORCHWA), and the Multnomah County Community Capacitation Center (CCC). The Cambia Health Foundation provides funding for the project. The Consortium focuses on creating alignment around best practices in the community health worker field … Read more

State and County Parks Collaborative Efforts

In 2013, Oregon Consensus and Oregon Solutions facilitated a collaborative effort between the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department and county parks (through the Association of Oregon Counties) to change the distribution formula for recreational vehicle (RV) registration fees, enhance partnership efforts between state and county parks providers, and consider jurisdictional transfers of park properties. Over time, … Read more

Non-Roadway Transportation Working Group

The Oregon Non-Roadway Transportation Funding Working Group was convened by Oregon Governor Kitzhaber to engage the State of Oregon, transportation providers and other stakeholders in developing and implementing a plan to establish dedicated funding for non-roadway transportation projects and programs, including rail, marine, aviation, transit, and on and off-road bicycle and pedestrian paths. Currently, vehicle … Read more

State Parks Land Use Forum

In 2012, Oregon Consensus conducted an assessment and facilitated a series of stakeholder meetings for the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to address land use issues affecting siting of state parks. Priority issues discussed were: park uses in farm and forest zones; intergovernmental coordination to ensure land use compliance; methods for determining the need for … Read more

Integrated Services Support Rules Work Group

The Integrated Services Support Rules (ISSRs) govern the licensing of addiction and mental health providers in Oregon.  In 2011, the Oregon Legislature adopted Senate Bill 238 directing the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to form a work group to review the rules and recommend revisions. The ISSR Revisions Work Group included representatives of Coordinated Care Organizations, … Read more

Oregon Jobs and Transportation Act

The 2009 Jobs and Transportation Act directs the Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) to adopt administrative rules in line with environmental performance standards (EPS) for highway projects, and improve permitting processes. Oregon Consensus convened a process to develop rule language and EPS, worked with stakeholders to prioritize and frame issues and helped ODOT develop an … Read more

Sustainable Transportation Initiative

The Oregon Sustainable Transportation Initiative examined ways to curb greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles while creating healthier, more livable communities and greater economic opportunity. The project aimed to reduce emissions in Oregon by 75 percent below 1990 levels by 2050. The Oregon Department of Transportation and the Department of Land Conservation and Development led the … Read more